An AI-driven drug discovery company leveraging data from 100 million years of evolved disease resistance in mammals.
Using our exclusive biobank of genetic data along with our in-house platform, Convergence™, we replicate how extreme animal models resist disease, paving a way for us to create new drugs that do the same for humans.
*A sped up thermal video (1 hour of real time) of a 13-lined ground squirrel coming out of hibernation.
Blockbuster drugs, like ACE inhibitors and the first generation of GLP-1 agonists, came from studying diverse species.
Studying natural genetic resistance gave us new drugs for cholesterol (PCSK9 inhibitors).
These three examples alone represent over a $30B market opportunity.
Fauna Bio is the first company to combine these approaches – creating new therapeutic opportunities in a wide range of disease with >$60B market opportunity.
What is natural disease resistance?
Animals help us study extreme metabolic changes, obesity resistance, and muscle preservation. These insights can lead to the discovery of novel therapeutic targets and the development of drugs that mimic these natural protective mechanisms.
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Fauna Bio CEO interviewed by Drug Discovery and Development on the advantages of tapping extreme mammals for human disease breakthroughs
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Fauna Bio CEO interviewed by Drug Discovery and Development on the advantages of tapping extreme mammals for human disease breakthroughs
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